
Posts Tagged ‘horny’

Spicing up your sex life…

December 1, 2009 Leave a comment

Sometimes when a relationships grows in years the bedroom actions dies down to muffle. There are simple solutions to the drought. Bringing back the excited passion that drove the relationship in the beginning is sometimes lost.

Roleplay. …
What does your partner like sexually? Is there a particular fantasy they might want fulfilled or maybe never dreamed would be. If so get a costume or roleplay the fantasy by every detail. It’s exciting and will have your partners senses on end. Which means better chances of them having a memorable night.

Racy photos..
Taking racy snapshots of private areas could keep your partners thoughts on you all day. The reminder could prove to lead to passionate night.

Plan an evening of sensual massage and pamper your honey with whatever they pleasure. Relaxing is the beginning of a wonderful evening sure to end in orgasms and connecting.

Sex games..
Play a sexy game with your partner you have never played before. Suggestions would be: Strip Poker, Sexual dice, etc.

Stimulate the mood with a sexy movie or flick. Some people are visual and the sight of it could add to the urgency of passion.

Incorporating sex toys and novelty into your foreplay may prove to worth it as it builds up the passion. The intensity of orgasm will be epic!

when was the last time you and your partner just had a full-out make out session like when you were a teen. Kissing can naturally intimate and will most definitely make you two hot and bothered and who knows where that’ll lead..right?

sex-1.jpg SEx BABii image by winxy3

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